Cooper&Hunter Launches “WE CREATE EMOTIONS TOGETHER” Campaign, Sponsoring Major US Sports

SportsDoral, FL — 28 January 2025 — Cooper&Hunter, a leading HVAC manufacturer andproud sponsor of the Florida Panthers, New York Yankees, and NASCAR, launched amajor campaign earlier this year called “WE CREATE EMOTIONS TOGETHER.” Thiscampaign is based on the company’s strategy of sponsoring major sports in the USand connecting with the HVAC Technicians and Contractors that Cooper&Hunter calls”HVAC Heroes.” These sports generate great engagement and emotion, andCooper&Hunter brings their support to show appreciation for HVAC Heroes whobrave extreme weather to bring comfort to homeowners.
The “WE CREATE EMOTIONS TOGETHER” campaign stands out with its threeimpressive TV ads, which are being broadcast on 120 TV channels across the UnitedStates. In addition to traditional media, the campaign leverages the power of socialmedia platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to reach a broaderaudience and create a lasting impact.
Jake Neto, the Marketing Director of Cooper&Hunter, sheds light on the vision behindthis initiative: “This is a strategy that goes beyond just the US territory. We have acampaign (WE CREATE EMOTIONS TOGETHER) in 55 countries. Since Cooper&Hunteroperates worldwide and sponsors sports in many countries, we want to show that Cooper&Hunter goes beyond the traditional corporate communication of the HVACmarket. We want to truly embrace our HVAC Heroes and pay back all their efforts inrepresenting our brand abroad.
”The essence of the “WE CREATE EMOTIONS TOGETHER” campaign lies in its ability toresonate with a diverse audience. By associating with high-energy sports like hockey,baseball, and NASCAR, Cooper&Hunter taps into the passion and excitement thatthese sports generate. This connection mirrors the dedication and hard work of HVACtechnicians and contractors who face challenging conditions to ensure that homesremain comfortable all year round. The campaign’s message is clear: just as athletesstrive for excellence in their sports, HVAC Heroes demonstrate exceptionalcommitment and expertise in their field.
In addition to celebrating the efforts of HVAC technicians and contractors, the “WECREATE EMOTIONS TOGETHER” campaign also underscores Cooper&Hunter’scommitment to innovation and excellence. The company’s cutting-edge HVACsolutions are designed to meet the highest standards of performance andsustainability, providing customers with reliable and efficient heating and coolingsystems.
As the campaign continues to gain momentum, Cooper&Hunter remains dedicated tosupporting their HVAC Heroes and fostering strong connections with their audience.By combining the excitement of major sports with a heartfelt appreciation for thehard work of HVAC professionals, the “WE CREATE EMOTIONS TOGETHER” campaignexemplifies the company’s mission to create meaningful and lasting emotions.For more information about the “WE CREATE EMOTIONS TOGETHER” campaign andCooper&Hunter products, visit our social media channels and official website.
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